
Posts Tagged ‘Action’

Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan

February 2, 2010 Leave a comment

Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan. Pub.Headline Publishing, 2009

This is for all you action freaks who were weened on Alex Rider, shifted to Mark Walden’s HIVE series, discovered Sophie MacKenzie’s Medusa Project and want something new.

This is it.

Charlie West is a 17 year old kid who loves his country, loves his mom and dad, is a black belt in karate and has a crush on Beth, a girl who makes his tongue stick to the top of his mouth when he tries to talk to her. After he does a karate exhibition at his school Beth gives him the chance he has longed for by writing her telephone number on his hand. Unfortunately that is the last thing he remembers.

Charlie wakes to find himself bound to a chair by his wrists and ankles and it is obvious to him that he has been beaten and tortured. He doesn’t recall a thing and surely you would remember that. What follows is a dramatic escape and action aplenty but then he finds out that one year has past since his dramatic meeting with Beth.

What has happened? The plot thickens and the reader is carried along in a rush of action and mystery.

This is the first in the Homelander series which has already been made into a film.

Andrew Klavan is a very clever writer who Stephen king describes as “a most original novelist of crime and suspense” and where Stephen King goes, I go.

The book is in two parts. The first part is about Charlie West and how he sees himself, and finds himself in the predicament he is in. It is an idealist look at American values by a happy American boy. In Part two Charlie sees a different view of American life and values, and finds himself in action he doesn’t understand.

Brilliantly written in short chapters with hooks at the end of each chapter to keep ypu reading. Ideal for boys of Intermediate and High school age who love action. Girls will love it too.