Home > Picture book > Little Kiwi and the Treaty by Nikki Slade Robinson

Little Kiwi and the Treaty by Nikki Slade Robinson

August 22, 2018

kiwi treatyLittle Kiwi and the Treaty by Nikki Slade Robinson, pub. Duck Creek press, 2018.

This is a beautifully illustrated picture book for juniors and older readers because it has some depth.

It is a story told to Little Kiwi by his Koro or grandfather about two groups of kiwis that go searching for better kai and a better place to build their nests. The two groups clash then realise that fighting is not the answer. What do you think is the answer?

The book is also about identity and family history and really is an allegory of race relations with a message of..”as long as we work together we can move forwards”