Home > Junior Fiction, Picture book > There’s a Tui in our Teapot by dawn McMillan, illus. Nikki Slade-Robinson.

There’s a Tui in our Teapot by dawn McMillan, illus. Nikki Slade-Robinson.

November 22, 2018

tui teapotThere’s a Tui in our Teapot by dawn McMillan, illus. Nikki Slade-Robinson. Pub. Oratia Books, 2018.

This is a bilingual English-Maori picture book about New Zealand birds told and illustrated with a sense of humour.

When Tui, Takahe, Kakapo, Pukeko and other birds invite themselves to breakfast at Nan’s, the mess they make is troublesome. What will Nan say when she wakes up? Check this lively picture book out and see.

The illustrations emphasise the fun and introduce us to Tui Tea, Takahe Tamarillo Jam, Kakapo Kornies and Pukeko Penne Pasta amongst others. I do fancy the tamarillo jam.

In the back is a small profile of each of the birds featured and of course the bilingual text helps with learning the Maori language.