Home > Junior Fiction, Picture book > Beware the Deep Dark Forest by Sue Whiting, illus. Annie White

Beware the Deep Dark Forest by Sue Whiting, illus. Annie White

October 18, 2018

beware dark forestBeware the Deep Dark Forest by Sue Whiting, illus. Annie White. Pub. Walker Books, 2018.

Rosie warns her little dog Tinky not to go into the deep dark forest because it is full of carnivorous plants and venomous snakes but Tinky goes anyway.

Rosie follows Tinky in against the advice of her grandma, ignoring the rumours of what was in the forest.  She has to sneak past a ferocious wolf and contend with a troll before effecting a rescue.

The illustrations are superb. Annie White creates a fearsome looking forest which hints at deathly acts and creates a monstrous troll who has his mind set on dinner.

Great read-a-loud story for juniors with plenty to look through slowly later.